

Tip#1: Use sudo to do root commands without logging into root. Example: sudo poweroff

Steps to setup sudo:

1. Log in as root using su - command.

2. Type in this command sudo usermod -aG sudo username (change username with your own username).

3. Reboot the system/virtual machine.

4. Check if sudo is added using groups username command.

5. Everytime sudo is used, you need to type your own username password.

One benefit of sudo is it reduces the number of root access to increase security.

Tip#2: Pay attention to every step in each assignment. Don’t miss out the subtle details because the little things give you away.

Tip#3: Make sure you have enough storage on your device especially for the final 3 weeks.

Tip#4: It’s highly advised to do the final 3 weeks days before the deadline due to the amount of time it takes to complete them.


-cbkadal’s os242/tips.md
